
I’m Justin Charney. I live in Montreal, where I'm studying bioengineering & building things with code.
I’ve been obsessed with learning and creating things for as long as I can remember. When I was 11 I started a YouTube channel where I made drum covers. As that grew, I began online schooling to spend more drumming, and by the time I was 14, I had toured with French Montana & played alongside artists like Chris Brown and the Migos. It was a crazy time.
I returned to in-person schooling for high school and spent a lot of time reading. I was fascinated by technology and the people who built things that challenged the status quo and in doing so changed the way the world operated. Some of my favourite books at the time were Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson and The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee. That last book, in particular, was the first time I recognized how the intersection of data and biology could radically improve diagnostics and treatments, leading me to study bioengineering.
Throughout university, my interest in artificial intelligence and data science has grown, and I'm now applying to graduate programs for these topics. My journey started by completing Udacity's Deep Learning Nano-degree during the lockdown in 2020. Since then, I've had the privilege to work on multiple projects at the intersection of machine learning and health. These include segmenting micro-cracks in human enamel from micro-CT scans and identifying high-risk tumour sub-regions from magnetic resonance images of extremity soft-tissue sarcoma patients.
I've also really enjoyed learning frontend development recently, and I've had the opportunity to work as a developer in telehealth to build and maintain platforms that make healthcare more accessible, which I'm passionate about.
Outside of school, you can find me powerlifting or shreddin' the gnar in the summer 🌊🏄.
- I've accidentally listened to country music so much that I now like it. Especially if the song is about a truck.
- I appreciate impractically large hats
- I get really invested into topics rather frequently so I probably know more than I should about things like Japanese selvedge jeans.
- My favourite movie is Good Will Hunting
- My favourite TV show is Ted Lasso